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Exchange Rate Gap Tracker
(Research Tool), Dr Karam Shaar, 26 Nov 2024
This tool offers real-time tracking of the exchange rate set by the Syrian Central Bank for humanitarian aid and UN agencies compared with the black market rate. It also shows the gap between the two, helping donors and researchers monitor aid diversion.
Top 100 Syrian private and public-private suppliers to various UN agencies in 2021 and 2022
(Research Tool), Dr Karam Shaar, 22 May 2024
This tool maps the top 100 private and public-private Syrian suppliers to various United Nations agencies in 2021-2022. Each supplier is classified into one human rights-related risk level following the criteria outlined in this report. Circle sizes denote the value of procurement funding received from the UN. Double-click each supplier to see its information, or use the search function to look up a specific supplier.
UN Procurement Contracts in Syria: Top 100 Syrian private and public-private suppliers to various UN agencies in 2019 and 2020
(Research Tool), Dr Karam Shaar, 25 Oct 2022
This is a mapping of the top 100 private and public-private Syrian suppliers to various United Nations agencies in 2019-2020. Each supplier is classified into one human rights-related risk level following the criteria outlined in this report. Circle sizes denote the value of procurement funding received from the UN. Double-click each supplier to see its information or use the search function to look up a specific supplier.
Visualizing New Zealand's budgets (2018-2023)
(Research Tool), Dr Karam Shaar, 08 Jun 2022
Every year, the New Zealand Treasury publishes data on the last six national budgets, in two Excel files containing over 7,000 entries. The sheer amount of data makes it very difficult to assess the composition of revenues and expenditures and how they changed over time. This interactive tool allows you to plot New Zealand's budgets as you please: by year, the type of spending or revenue, the portfolio, the department in charge, and more. You can download the data underlying each figure you build, in an Excel format using the download button below the visualization.
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